
Our DNS provider has marked the case as resolved and the app has remained stable. If you continue to experience any issues please contact our support team.

Avatar for Shem Bogusz
Shem Bogusz

The workaround we've had in place to access our internal Azure services with a different URL has resolved problems for now.

The underlying issue has been identified and documented as intermittent issues with our DNS provider. You can track that incident here.

When we feel comfortable that the underlying DNS issue has been resolved we'll remove the workaround and return to our normal URL.

Avatar for Shem Bogusz
Shem Bogusz

We've applied a temporary workaround to the internal networking issue. This should make maker things run more smoothly while we work on a permanent solution.

Avatar for Shem Bogusz
Shem Bogusz

Senior engineers are now investigating the problem.

Avatar for Shem Bogusz
Shem Bogusz

Internal server errors are causing issues with report generation and organisation syncing. We've started investigating this issue and will keep you updated via this status page.

Avatar for Shem Bogusz
Shem Bogusz
Began at:

Affected components
  • Calxa Online Web App
  • Integration Services
  • Automation and Workflows