Web App returning internal errors - Users see bubbles or server errors


We've now resolved the incident. Thanks for your patience.

Avatar for Shem Bogusz
Shem Bogusz

A fix is now being applied. Services should start to return to normal. We'll continue to monitor and test all services. We'll provide a final update when all testing has been concluded.

Avatar for Shem Bogusz
Shem Bogusz

We've gathered additional information regards this problem which has occurred due to an update on our hosted servers. Unfortunately the fix requires development and will take some more time to resolve.

Avatar for Shem Bogusz
Shem Bogusz

Developers have identified the cause and working towards a fix. Still unable to advise an estimated time of resolution.

Avatar for Shem Bogusz
Shem Bogusz

Investigation is underway. We'll continue to update this status page as more is known.

Avatar for Shem Bogusz
Shem Bogusz
Began at:

Affected components
  • Calxa Online Web App
  • Integration Services
  • Automation and Workflows